Thursday, April 5, 2007


I dont exactly remeber when was the first time I lied.But I can defintely describe &elaborate with perfection as to how I must have felt the.Let me make a selfless and subtle attempt at it.!

Lying -an art I would say tough is very interesting yet is very dangerous consequently .Yes its of a Santanic cult!I will give you a 100$ note to anybody who says so,for congrats you've been mature enough for any age to state that .Basically its beyond the realms of thoughtfullness for any age and a ceomment can often be misconstrued.Many people as it shows,still don't understand the psychology behind it.The basic reason underlying the concept of 'lies and lying' is ......FEAR!!yup.something which is another great topic to discuss upon.!Yet i will stick to the present topic!

Lying starts with fear.!When a child actually lies, he does that out of fear.You cannot help that practically speaking.After all he is human and he,too,like everyone of us,prone to the deadly fangs of satan.!We can only pray that he realises soon that it is suicidal,'TO LIE'

We all know it hell-well that its an outrageously grevious mistake to develop a complex,yet we do it because it's HUMAN.!Complexes are the root of all discord and unhappiness in mind.They prople an unpresidented maturity ,destructive one in the long run,to try ad manipulate your behaviour during another event of such stature based on your previous experinces and expeditions.There crops the first sign of mental conditioning of the child towards the lying.! He decides'I MUST NOT GET CAUGHT NEXT TIME'.............!Unlike I must not committ such a mistake or illldeed next time next time.-which is what we are trying to teach him.!But again,he gets caught .[Come on! give him a break .!he is still a child.!needs time to excel in crimes..after all practise makes perfect].But ,this time he guides his words towards manipulating and fabricating them against his deeds and tries to steer clear of his involvemnt in the mishap.!In shorter words-HE LIES!!His based on the tenacity of the sitaution and the mental conditioning ,working and thoughts of the parents at the moment,he either is aquitted or gets caught again.If he gets caught,you know what happens.!Well..if you stll can't get my point ,leave it.!Don't unnecessarily brown your brain cells!Just take the pain to flip over and go to the flow chart and realise unto yourself that if one gets caught ,he again develops a complex.It's a whole round circular process .So the only other thing left is not getting caught or successfuly having oneself aquitted of the charges imposed.

If this does happen,then all hell breaks loose.Fresh with the elated feeling of the recentmost victory of his lie,he gets inspired and intoxicated by the aftermath.His subconscious mind now registers it as a fact that"Lying is the easiest and the best escape".Thats witht he great leagacy of lying starts .and is mastered by those ..who have the tenecity to eradicate the fear and go ahead with their adventurous self intutions.!

So,the next time when you find a child coming out as an ace lier,it would be better on your part that "THATS A REALLY GREAT TALENT.Hmmmm...!AFTER ALL HE NEVER LEARNT IT.HE INHERITED IT.IT'S IN HIS DNA AND NOW HE'S DEVELOPED IT THIS FAR."

He may not become a Gandhi but he might still become MUSSOLINI or even the OTTOVAN BISMARCK.Politics must be the best place for him.Oh wow!I can see him become the foreign minister of India ,or home.or Prime minister of India.

Sorry for all the sarcasm,but it actually helps.It's multiutilitive and it adds spice,flavour,humour and helps to register things better by means of reverse psychology!!

Remember,you cannot in anyway,other than constructive suggestion,make your offspring abstain from 'LIES'.They say=>spare this stake and spoil the brat!Very true!but look into the lines & reflect.They never say or convey that a stick can make your son truth full.May be the immediate intermittent desperation due to the dent of your anger,might melt away through his lies&expose the naked truth.But the flowchart theory will with every successive spanking ,subsequently fine tuned itself to a betterment .Yes!spanning,rather an efficiently disciplined & controlled spanking,used aptly,will definitely be the best way to discipline the child

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